8 Dec 2011


I'm on a bit of a roll at the moment with my animated gifs or sometimes referred to as cinemagraphs. This one was taken on the same day in London as the one below and just couldn't resist the irony of this statue busker moving while everyone else is frozen in time. This one was taken in Convent Garden where a lot of these buskers hang out.

2 Dec 2011


It just so happened that this week I was in London working on the day of the teacher strike about pensions. I was on another job but as I had my camera and tripod with me I quickly set it up asked these two to kindly pose while I filmed them for a few seconds or so. Because I was working on a job for a client who wanted some gif animations I thought it might be an idea to turn a current news event into a gif as well.

There is some debate about the decline of news photography and focus more on video but how about a mix to of the two - a gif. It can have the same power of the still with the added advantage of being part video.

I thought it might make an interesting topic to discuss.